The Week That Was: Consumer Tech - 07/06/19
Robo-furniture the latest IKEA trendIKEA has given us a glimpse into the future with the launch of its new robotic furniture that transforms smaller homes through its innovating space-saving products. With just the touch of a button, your bed will retract out of sight into a unit that also moves, transforming your bedroom into the living room. As major cities become more and more crowded, smaller living spaces will fuel growing demand and IKEA has definitely jumped onto this trend.Amazon Prime Air available ‘within months’ Amazon revealed its newest drone model built for package delivery at its Re:Mars conference this week. The new model is said to fly up to 15 miles and can deliver packages as heavy as 5 pounds. According to the CEO, the company will be delivering packages via drones ‘within months’ and customers can expect their deliveries within 30 minutes - a speedy service! Hackers could crack your passwords just by listening in...New research has revealed this week that hackers could decode passwords just by listening through the smartphone’s microphone. In a test, algorithm could correctly guess 31 out of 50 four-digit login pins in just 10 attempts by listening through the smartphones multiple microphones on where the user touched the screen. It is said these attacks would likely begin with the accidental downloads of malicious software. Sign-up here to our monthly Consumer Technology newsletter and access case studies of our work, as well as hearing the latest news and trends from this sector. We’ll share updates on how we are helping our clients make a meaningful impact, create movements and connect in innovative ways with their audience.